Are you wondering what to expect after liposuction? What is the liposuction recovery process like? Read our comprehensive guide here!
Week One to Week Three
The swelling is the worst after liposuction during the first 1 to 3 weeks following surgery. Once the first week has passed, however, you will notice that you begin to feel a little bit better each day. Approximately 1 to 2 weeks following your procedure, the swelling will change to firmness that may persist for about 3 months following your procedure. This firmness indicates that the firmer areas are healing, and your new, slim physique is on its way.
Initially this firmness will soften, allowing swelling and fluid to be swept out of the body. As this happens, your new figure will begin to appear in the mirror. As your swelling will remain in your body for 1 to 3 months, the image you see in the mirror 90 days post-surgery is far from your final result. Patience is key during the healing process.